Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Trains, automobiles and (almost) planes…

So, it’s been a while again. Sorry – I think that might just happen until I get into the habit of this blogging malarkey (and stop to breathe, OK write, for more than 5 minutes).

The last few weeks have been pretty busy outside of work as well as in. I was in the opening ceremony at the UEFA Champions League Final at Wembley Stadium, London. A red team from Germany played a yellow team from Germany and the red team won. Which was good news for me because I now have a Bayern Munich shield that I can stick on eBay...

Let me tell you, the novelty of red and white face paint soon wears off once you’re on the London Underground with about 2000 p*ssed off Dortmund (yellow team) fans. Could’ve been worse though – I could’ve painted the whole side of my face red and white (Braveheart style) like my friend Neil. Needless to say, I refrained from telling him that I had some Simple facewipes in my bag. Any good friend would’ve done the same.

And if you’re interested in seeing the show (of course, ITV cut to ad breaks but this lovely Eastern European channel seemed to think it was worth the coverage) then here it is:

So what’s this post got to do with trains, automobiles and planes? Nothing really. I’m on a train though and I was in a car yesterday and, very shortly, I’ll be on a plane. The ticket man just came through asking to see my ticket and told me to “stop working, it’s late” – I actually felt guilty about this (despite clocking up the hours again this week) until he offered to buy me a gin and tonic and now I’m just worried that all he was after was the stop I’m getting off at and that he'll bludgeon me to death with his chip and pin machine as soon as I leave the safety of the station.

The last couple of days have been the worst type for me as there's been a lot of time out of the office, but no breathers in between meetings – Yesterday was spent all day in a car driving up to Market Harborough to visit a brand that we work with (who are very nice btw, that wasn’t the horrible bit) and by the time I got back I was zonked. So I got up at about 5.30am this morning to catch up on all the work I'd missed yesterday (and to plan the work resulting from my meeting) so that I've been able to do another day out of the office today, which means that by now I should be trying to do the work from today and a bit leftover from yesterday but instead I've decided to not stress myself out as I'll soon be on a plane to Hong Kong and if there's anything I've learnt about avoiding jumping out of a window when things get tough, it's that a 14 hour plane journey with one-way email is an excellent way to manage a workload. Apart from all the emails that would've come in whilst I've been up in the air, but I'll worry about that when I land. Actually, I might write a post about how I manage to cope with stress at work in the next few days because I've definitely learnt the hard way. Anyway...

I’m coming into the station.

And so that it's written down somewhere; he was about 5ft 9”, blonde, blue eyes and had a black cap on (just in case).

Much love.

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